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Mental Health Support Services


Phone and Online Counselling

If you are feeling overwhelmed and need someone to talk to, the below services provide free and confidential support, 24-hours a day, 365 days a year:

Having a Personal Crisis? Call, Text, or Chat with Lifeline

Call 13 11 14 or text 0477 131 114 or chat online at

Under 25? Call or Chat with Kids Helpline

Call 1800 55 1800 or chat online at

Feeling Anxious or Depressed? Call or Chat with Beyond Blue

Call 1300 224 636 or chat online at

Having Thoughts about Suicide? Call the Suicide Call Back Service

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, call the Suicide Call Back Service ( on 1300 659 467. 
If there is an immediate risk of harm to yourself or others call 000


Support from Work

Employee Assistance Provider (EAP)

Many workplaces offer access to free professional counselling for both work and personal issues through an EAP. Check your company website or with your manager / HR team to see if you have access to EAP services and book a free, confidential, session.


External Support

If you have been feeling sad, worried, down, angry, depressed, numb, or generally just ‘not yourself’ for two weeks or more, it is a good idea to talk to a health professional:

General Practitioner (GP)

GPs are trained to assist with mental health just like physical health. 

You can find a GP on the Government’s Health Direct website:


If you would like to seek further help from a Psychologist, a GP can help you to obtain a Mental Health Treatment Plan so that you can access Medicare rebates to help pay part of the cost of seeing a Psychologist.

Your GP can refer you to a Psychologist they recommend or you can find a Psychologist who specialises in the area you would like help with using the Australian Psychological Society’s Find a Psychologist™ service:

You can also access Bulk billing Psychologists for video and telephone counselling at


Your local headspace centre provides primary mental healthcare and counselling services for young people aged 12-25 years old.

Find a headspace centre here:

Download a PDF of these services here

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