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ARV Coronavirus Update 16 March 2020

Published Mon 16 Mar 2020

CEO Update – Kathy Parton

As the situation with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to develop, we are committed to providing our members and sponsors with up-to-date information . Outlined below is some information regarding recent Victorian Government announcements relevant to our industry and the status and details of ARV activities.

Victorian Government announcements

As many of you will be aware yesterday the Premier announced that as of midday 16 March 2020, a State of Emergency takes effect in Victoria.

Following the declaration of a State of Emergency, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer issued a legal direction that bans gatherings of 500 or more people in Victoria. The declaration also included a requirement for people entering Australia to self-isolate for 14-days upon arrival. The mass gathering ban and the 14-day isolation period has the force of law, and penalties apply if it is breached.

Under the ban, people are prohibited from organising and attending mass gatherings. People are also banned from allowing mass gatherings to occur on premises they own, control or operate. The ban operates from noon on 16 March 2020 to midnight on 13 April 2020.

DHHS have also reminded of the importance of water quality strategies at this time including Aquatic facilities requirement to treat all pool water using disinfectants such as chlorine to destroy germs such as coronavirus (COVID-19). Aquatic facilities are also required to manage water quality in swimming pools, spa pools and interactive water features in accordance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019.Exposure to pathogens in the workplace including in pool water, should be managed by ‘business as usual’ water quality requirements and occupational health and safety requirements including hygiene practices (such as more frequent hand-washing).

Aquatic facilities are reminded to:

· Continue to frequently monitor and test pool water quality to ensure compliance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2019

· Encourage all staff and visitors to take pre-swim showers

· Ensure all faecal incidents are managed appropriately

· Continue to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the aquatic facility environment

· Reinforce ill swimmer exclusions and discourage any ill patrons from visiting the aquatic facility

How this affects the Aquatics and Recreation Industry

The Victorian Government announcements means that community and grassroots sport, and active recreation can continue under the declaration in Victoria where they do not constitute a mass gathering. Organisations are encouraged to utilise social distancing strategies within facilities and services.

However, as the situation is rapidly changing and I urge you to regularly check the DHHS coronavirus website at for updates.

Aquatic and recreations facilities and service organisations play an important role in helping to reduce the risk of infection and slow the spread of the virus in the Victorian community. Whilst ARV is aware of some closures of Aquatic and Recreation facilities in recent days, it is encouraged that Local Government Authorities work closely with Aquatic, Recreation and Community Facility managers and all other independent industry providers explore feasibility of interim and measured approaches to retain services for communities in which the public health risk of use of facilities can be managed including venue risk assessments to inform decision making regarding venue operations, programs and social distancing measures.

The DHHS website has a range of resources that can be shared digitally or printed out to be displayed at your office and venues.

Members Corona Virus COVID – 19 workshops

ARV is currently planning a COVID – 19 workshops for all members on 26th March 2020

Further information will be provided asap regarding the details of this workshop.

ARV Activities

ARV is continuing o monitor the situation and have not determined to cancel ARV events at this time.

· ARV Regional conference – May 7th and 8th 2020 – Industry partners will be advised shortly if this event is to be rescheduled.

· ARV awards night – June 12th 2020 - nominations remain open until 15th May and facilities are still encouraged to nominate to support and recognise their staff and programs

· Life members luncheon – April 26th 2020

· ARV Industry Conference – September 17th and 18th 2020

· ARV committees and programs will continue as scheduled at this time

Please stay in touch with our website for updated information regarding these events , programs and activities

We’ll continue to provide you with up-to-date industry advice as new information comes in, but for general health matters please check regularly with DHHS at

I’m sure all of you would agree of the importance of us working together to manage this current issue , along with the hope that we will come out of this stronger for it and hopefully learn new ways of improving what we do and how we do it into the future

Please continue to contact our team to advise of activities happening within your organisations and businesses relating to this situation and how we can assist your organisation.

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